20 ACT Vocabulary Words for 2019

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20 ACT Vocabulary Words for 2019

ACT Vocabulary

When preparing for the ACTs, taking time to learn new vocabulary is a critical component for a student’s success. Why is memorizing a list of new vocabulary so important? We’re glad you asked! A diverse vocabulary allows students to better articulate their opinions and ideas. So rather than relying on the same overused words, students will have a plethora of new words at their disposal.  Here are 20 ACT vocabulary words you should know for the 2019 testing season.

  1. Ambiguous (adj.): Open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning

Example: The ending was more ambiguous, one in which the future of the world was in question.

  1. Apprehensive (adj.): Anxious or fearful that something bad will happen

Example: Mr. Cooms was apprehensive about what he described as an assault on our safety.

  1. Bear (v.): Endure an ordeal of difficulty

Example: Finally she could bear the suspense no longer.

  1. Befall (v.): (of something bad) Happen to someone

Example: If any mishap befalls the queen, the workers can sometimes keep the community from dying out.

  1. Contour (n.): An outline, especially one representing or bounding the shape or form of something

Example: The contour lines showing the heights above sea-level are the directions along which species spread for form zones.

  1. Corollary (n.): A direct, natural consequence or result

Example: It is the necessary corollary to the teaching of Amos, that God is the righteous lord of all the world.

  1. Demean (v.): Cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for someone or something

Example: The mother-in-law would demean her, as a way to abase the young wife in the son’s eyes.

  1. Disinclined (adj.): Willing or positive about an action, belief, or attitude

Example: At first merchants appeared disinclined to take advantage of the opportunities offered them at Shanghai.

  1. Eminent (adj.): Famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession

Example: It has an old town hall, a theatre, and several statues of eminent men.

  1. Ethereal (adj.): Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world

Example: Her hair fell softly around her face and she had an ethereal glow about her.

  1. Feign (v.): Pretend to be affected by a feeling, state, or injury

Example: Cassie drew her brows down to feign a stern expression.

  1. Fleeting (adj.): Lasting for a very short time

Example: Images flowed below her eyelids, almost too fleeting to catch.

  1. Imminent (adj.): About to happen

Example: When an attack was imminent, I called Brady and made him swear to take care of you.

  1. Impervious (adj.): Unable to be affected by

Example: In their poetry above everything the Japanese have remained impervious to alien influences.

  1. Latent (adj.): Existing but not yet developed or obvious; hidden; concealed

Example: The latent heat of vaporization of Mercury was founded by Marignac to be 103 to 106.

  1. Lethargic (adj.): Sluggish or apathetic

Example: Moreau was notoriously lethargic in civil affairs.

  1. Mere (adj.): Used to emphasize how small or insignificant someone or something is

Example: He was amused and she was fumed, her emotions scattered by his mere presence.

  1. Mishap (n.): An unlucky accident

Example: His mishap was soon known to England, but the regents were for some weeks uncertain of his whereabouts.

  1. Nostalgia (n.): A sentimental longing or affection for the past

Example: She enjoyed the nostalgia brought on by the film.

  1. Notion (n.): A conception of or belief about something.

Example: Sometimes Jeff had this notion about protecting me from anything unpleasant.

These are just a few words to get students started on looking at vocabulary words for their ACTs. We hope this list inspires your child to dust off their dictionary and expanding their vocabulary for the upcoming ACT. Good luck and don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for more helpful tips and tricks to conquer the ACT.