At CATES Tutoring, expert staff and devoted tutors believe that test taking is a learnable skill. With years of experience and a proven record of success, CATES delivers students with confidence, efficient test-taking skills, and academic successes. Each CATES program prepares students with the tools and mindset necessary to achieve success on test day.
Flexibility And Personalization
No two students learn and study the same way. At CATES, the staff understands how to reach each unique student. After completing initial assessments, which identify students’ individual strengths and weaknesses, CATES creates customized study plans. From SAT and ACT to GRE and GMAT, CATES generates study plans in an effort to work around busy schedules and cater to specific learning styles. From à la carte plans to the full-service treatment, CATES offers a variety of tutoring plans that accommodate any agenda. This diagnostic test also identifies areas in need of improvement. Tutors diligently monitor each student’s weaker subjects and will curate alternative study habits because “practice makes perfect.”
Mock Tests
Preparing for the SATs and ACTs can be nerve-wracking because of high stakes. Students dream of opening acceptance letters from Ivy League colleges and other prestigious schools but fear they’ll never receive one. At CATES Tutoring, mock tests prove to be the key to success. CATES discovered that students taking several mock tests tend to score within their desired range on test day. By reproducing a real test environment, students will experience the pressure of time intervals, a proctor, and presence of peers. After several mock tests, students will walk into the real test with utmost confidence and complete mastery of test-taking strategies.
Taking A Look At The Big Picture
Some students envision their dream school for years. CATES knows how important it is for students to open a congratulatory letter of acceptance. The talented team of tutors also understands that the preceding process can intimidate students. Tutors encourage students to take breathers and consider the big picture during times of immense distress. In order for students to take a step back and rationalize, we ask them who they want to be and how they plan to get there. While CATES tutors help students accomplish high scores, they also assist them in understanding the importance of it all.
CATES remains committed to assisting students throughout the standardized test-taking process. From PSAT to SAT and ACT, expert tutors guide parents and students for a sound, successful approach. Call today at 1-212-359-4208 and register to begin your test prep process!