July 19, 2024

College Supplementals: Do’s and Don’ts

Originally written by Jamie O’Brien and posted on: https://mindfish.com/blog/college-supplementals-dos-and-donts/ College applications are stressful: you have to write your common application essay, fill out the rest of […]
July 11, 2024
High School Class Rank

Embrace Growth: A Guide to Developing a Growth Mindset in High School

Originally written by Matt Madsen and posted on: https://mindfish.com/blog/embrace-growth-a-guide-to-developing-a-growth-mindset-in-high-school/ High school is a time of immense personal and academic growth. As you navigate the challenges of […]
July 1, 2024
College Readiness

Creating the Perfect Study Environment

What if the key to your academic success lies not in your textbooks, but in how you design the perfect study room? Transform your study environment […]
June 20, 2024
SAT May Vocabulary

Speak Like a Scholar: 30 Words to Impress Your Audience

The ability to articulate thoughts clearly and comprehensively is foundational in conveying intelligence and confidence. For students, mastering a diverse vocabulary is not merely about acing […]