From test prep to taking the SAT or ACT, the path to college is like a long, winding road. But once a student finds his or her dream school, the question becomes: will I get it in? While it’s difficult to predict whether or not a student will receive an acceptance letter from a first-choice school, a college’s acceptance rate can help applicants pinpoint their chances of securing a spot at a university.
Acceptances rates play a critical role in the college admissions process, but what exactly are these scores? In simple terms, a college’s acceptance rate refers to the percentage of applicants admitted. A college’s overall quality and prestige are determined in part by its selectivity, of which acceptance rate is the main indicator. Competitive universities look for extremely high-performing candidates, and one of the biggest predictors of academic success in college is academic performance in high school. Further, a student’s GPA and standardized test scores like the SAT or ACT will both play a significant factor.
What’s a “Good” College Acceptance Rate?
Here’s some good news: there’s no such thing as a good or bad acceptance rate. It’s all relatively subjective. Schools with lower acceptance rate, like Princeton or Harvard, tend to be more selective or have higher standards to meet the hundreds of thousands of students fighting tooth and nail for one of those few coveted spots.
But that doesn’t mean that colleges with higher acceptance rates are “bad” schools. On the contrary, they may have less strict admissions requirements because they can accommodate more students. Ivy League acceptance rates and prices leave many students feeling like they can’t achieve their dreams, but the college experience, rather than the college, should be the main focus. Many colleges graciously open their doors to all types of students while still offering a quality, affordable education, beautiful campuses, active athletics programs, and other life-changing opportunities.
After reading all this information on college acceptance rates, you might be feeling overwhelmed. If the rate as an average might not even matter to me, where do I go from here? While reviewing college acceptance rates is a helpful starting point, prospective students must look beyond the average percentage. Instead, students should research what colleges can offer rather than their prestige.
College Acceptance Rates – School By School
Each year, college admissions become increasingly competitive. If your student feels overwhelmed he or she considers impending college admissions process, don’t despair. We’re here to help. Below you'll find our list of top 100 colleges in the United States with the lowest rates of acceptance for entering freshman. While some colleges and universities will accept just about anyone who applies, these schools pride themselves on being very selective. These are some of the hardest colleges to get into.