The Most Common Tech Issues with Online Tutoring

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The Most Common Tech Issues with Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring Tech Issues

Online tutoring surged in popularity during recent years. You might be asking yourself, “why this has become such a popular commodity?” Well for some, remote learning is all about the convenience of studying anywhere at any time. For others, hectic school and extracurriculars make it difficult to allocate proper time to meet with an in-person tutor. But with any online endeavor, computer-based tutoring still comes with a set of unique challenges. We’ve laid out some common tech issues that you can expect to face in online tutoring so that students will feel ready for anything that comes their way.

Understanding Remote Tutoring Software

When connecting with tutors, the software used does not always work perfectly or as planned. Poor connection and high traffic to sites such as Google can limit productivity and for many, simply navigating the software or online textbook can be challenging. To better prep for online tutoring sessions, logging on early can help students save time throughout their session. If they know which materials they will be going over, opening everything with ample time and having it easily accessible on their computer or tablet will ensure that they get the most out of their session – especially a timed one.

Staying Connected With Online Tutoring

Although technology has helped people across the globe stay connected, learning through a screen may feel less personal. To assess your student’s strengths and weaknesses with online tutoring, help them keep track of their progress so they can improve their focus during challenging practice tests. During any online tutoring session, it may be challenging to stay on the same page without face-to-face interaction.

If your child has an itinerary or syllabus, encourage them to ask questions to promote interaction and relationship building with their online tutor. The more they get involved, the better experience they will have during their future online sessions!

Shareable Platforms For Real-Time Feedback

With complicated subjects such as math, your child may be missing interaction with a physical tutor. For students that learn best with visual aids, math tutoring can pose a challenge with understanding and implementing concepts. If your child is getting ready for the SAT, studying at home will be a part of their preparation. However, concepts in geometry and calculus may be better absorbed through practice problems done together.

In most cases, for students that need real-time interaction, tutors will use platforms such as Google Docs to teach certain concepts. On these platforms such as Google Docs, Skype, or Facetime, students can be present and in a simulated classroom environment. Working with your tutor, students may have the option to continue their tutoring through a virtual classroom setting with other students.

Online Tutoring: Setting Up Students For A Bright Future

Although students may face technical issues from time to time, the benefits of online tutoring weigh out the minor inconveniences. As colleges and universities continue to utilize online platforms, online tutoring can help students get an early start. When students become familiarized with online classes through primary and high school, they will already have the technical tools they need when it comes time to further their education. Whether or not your child chooses to online tutoring, tutors everywhere continue to introduce technology-driven courses to propel your student on the path to academic success.

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