Standardized Tests for Continued Education
The Graduate Record Examination is used by thousands of graduate and business schools to make admission and fellowship decisions. Many graduate programs require scores from the GRE General Test as part of complete application and some also require or recommend scores from one or more GRE Subject tests. The GRE covers three major sections – Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. GRE test takers receive three separate scores, one for each section.
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The Graduate Management Admission Test is a computer-adaptive test required by many business schools. Your GMAT score is important to get accepted to a competitive MBA program. The GMAT provides business schools with common measures of applicants’ preparedness for graduate-level academic work. The content on the GMAT is broken down into four scored test sections, two of which are scored separately, and two of which are scored separately but are also combined to generate your composite score: Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, and Verbal.
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The Medical College Admission Test is required for admission to most medical schools The MCAT is computer-based and tests physical and biological sciences, verbal reasoning, and writing skills. Nearly all medical schools in the United States require MCAT scores, and many health profession schools and graduate programs now accept MCAT scores in lieu of standardized tests. The integrated content on the MCAT is broken down into four sections: Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems, Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills, Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems, and Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior.
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The Law School Admission Test is required by most law schools as part of the admission process and a key component of law school applications. The LSAT is an entrance exam required for admission to most law schools. The test consists of five 35-minute sections of multiple-choice questions. Four of the five sections contribute to the test taker’s score. These sections include one Reading Comprehension section, one Analytical Reasoning section, and two Logical Reasoning sections. The unscored writing sample is administered at the end of the test. Copies of your writing sample are sent to all law schools to which you apply.
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Bar Exam
In order to obtain a license to practice law, almost all law school graduates must apply for bar admission through a state board of bar examiners. The Bar Exam is an examination administered in each state to assess whether or not a candidate is competent to practice law in that jurisdiction. The criteria for eligibility to take the bar examination or to otherwise qualify for bar admission are set by each state.
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The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination is one of the exams that will be required for you to be admitted to the bar. The test is the ethics portion of the bar. The MPRE test two bodies of law: the American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct and the ABA’s Model Code of Judicial Conduct.